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I-CONtrol Audiomedia

Multifaceted Audio Player!
MIDI, Wave and Audio CD. Easy to use, many useful features. Excellent sound
quality and very light on resource usage. You can't find a better player!

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ScreenDance 98

ScreenDance 98 brings you
a whole new way to experience music. It's a CD player that comes packed
with an assortment of sound-activated animations, making PCs come alive
with dazzling light and color. Play your favorite disc or sing into the
microphone, and watch as your screen grooves to the music! Includes a
mixer, configurable playlist, disc/track title database, and screen saver.
***The shareware version includes six animations. The full, registered
version includes all 18, plus the ability to plug-in 3rd party ones, as
well as tech support and updates.***

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eXmedia Player

eXmedia Player can handle most types of common media files, from videos and images to streaming and modular files. It can stream files from the internet and has a fast MP3 Search/Queue function that lets you download online music. eXmedia comes fully CDDB2 connected to give you access to in-depth information about Audio CDs and MP3 files. It also comes with a CD Ripper (CD-> MP3), lyrics viewer and editor, 3D fullscreen/windowed OpenGL visualization, playlist editor and is fully 'skins' capable.

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AllSound is a Windows 95/98 player for MP3/AudioCD/WAVE/MIDI.
The files can be loaded into the programs playlist separately, but you can also group your favorite music files and then load an entire group at once.
Files can be played in shuffled or programmed order.
AllSound can be set as Windows default player for MP3, CD, WAV and/or MID.

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Quintessential CD

Here's a CD player that truly looks as good as your music sounds.
Quintessential CD (QCD) has a gorgeous high-color display and a loaded
feature set. Features include full CDDB support, CDPlayer.ini importing and
database exporting. Other features include a CD Library and Track Editor,
multiple-window modes, a right-click menu that quickly takes you to the
track of your choice, multiple-CD-ROM support, and several GUI appearance
and behavior options. If you're in the market for a better way to play your
CDs with your PC, Quintessential CD is a must-download.

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ICCD is a wonderful Audio CD Player designed for Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0.
All common features are included (repeat, random, quick seek, ...) plus up to
255 programs, bar support, display themes to enhance the look of the
player, QuickBar, CDDB connection, CD Cover print, and more...

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AmoiPlay v1.012 ,the exciting,the most powerful,and eastiest-to-use player avaliable for windows! It support all most fashionable multimedia ,e'en you can see stream media video --wmv, swf, real media from internet .Now support all most fashionable multimedia like ASF,AU,AM,AVI,CDA,DAT,EXE(FLASH), MID,MIDI,MP1,MP2,MP3,MPG, MPEG,RA,RA

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License: Shareware
Author: amoico

MidWavi Pro

Popular multi purpose CD, Video, Sound and Graphics player. Slide shows (sound and visual) - Send graphics to clipboard or printer. Zip/Unzip on the fly from within MidWavi Pro with just a couple of mouse clicks. Just send all selected items in the play list box to a Zip file...its a breeze.

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License: Shareware
Author: TSoft Ltd

CoolCD Studio

A full featured AudioCD player with nice and stylish digital graphical interface. Offers all the things you would expect in a CD player plus many extra features: full CDDB support; direct/fast track access to CD features; advanced sound visualization system; integrated audio mixer; powerful disc database manager; 4 view modes; 6 playback modes

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License: Shareware
Author: Gracebyte Software

STMP3 Player all 2.x versions

The ultimate LCARS audio player has ID3 Tag editing, playlist editing, sounds from the series, an original LCARS layout, MP3, MOD, CD, Midi, Wave, Windows Media, Macintosh and Unix audio format. Plus you get a mini browser and video module and much more. To order the Lifettime Upgrade version for $39.95, please visit

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4 Musics Multiformat Converter

Tool for converting between most popular audio formats: WAV, MP3, WMA and OGG.

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